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Expanding Foam For Concrete Leveling: How Does It Work?

Austin Werner
Expanding Foam For Concrete Leveling
Expanding Foam For Concrete Leveling
If you’re looking up “expanding foam for concrete leveling,” you’re in the right place. Expanding foam, also called polyurethane foam, can help lift and level any sunken concrete slabs. This article will give you a brief rundown on expanding foam, why it’s the best solution, how much it costs, and more.

Expanding Foam For Concrete Leveling

If your concrete slab, patio, sidewalk, or driveway is sinking, you need a solution that actually works and lasts. That’s why most experts choose expanding foam over solutions such as mudjacking. Here’s how it works.
  1. Small dime-sized holes are drilled into your concrete slab.
  2. The expanding foam is injected into the holes. (If you have a sidewalk, experts can use a jack to lift your concrete and then inject the foam from the side.)
  3. The expanding foam will make its way through any voids under your slab, spreading throughout the weak soil.
  4. Once your concrete is level, experts stop pumping the foam and wait for it to harden. After 15 minutes, your concrete is now usable again, allowing you to walk or drive over your slab.
sunken interior slab

Benefits Of Expanding Foam

Some articles claim that you should avoid expanding foam for your concrete leveling needs. Most of the time, these articles are written by mudjacking companies who want to deter you away from advanced technology. They want to you to call them and use their older and less effective option. Here are six benefits of expanding foam and why it’s the best option for concrete leveling.

  1. Expanding foam is fast – As we mentioned above, once the expanding foam hardens, you can use your concrete in just 15 minutes. That’s fast! On the other hand, mudjacked concrete needs at least 24 hours to dry. Sometimes, you’ll even have to wait 72 hours!
  2. Expanding foam doesn’t require heavy excavation – All that’s needed to pump the foam under your slab are small dime-sized holes. You don’t need a crane to lift up your slab or an excavator to dig around it. Once the foam hardens under your slab, the holes are patched, and any excess foam is cleaned off.
  3. Expanding foam is lightweight – The real reason your concrete slab is sinking is because the soil underneath isn’t strong enough to hold its weight. Expanding foam only weighs about 2.5 to 4 pounds per cubic foot. That means that the foam will support your concrete slab and avoid adding extra weight to the soil.
  4. Expanding foam is non-toxic – Expanding foam is what experts call “inert.” This means the foam won’t shift and leech chemicals into your grass or soil.
  5. Expanding foam is cost-effective – Expanding foam actually solves the real issue behind concrete sinkage. The foam will last indefinitely, so you don’t have to worry about doing it all over again. Mudjacking and slab replacement will require you to repeat the process, costing you more money in the end.
  6. Expanding foam is waterproof – Expanding foam is hydrophobic, meaning the polyurethane won’t wash away when it comes in contact with water. The slurry used in mudjacking will wash away with water movement. Experts still recommend correcting any drainage issues that are causing water to flow towards your concrete slab.
slab sinkage
what does raising concrete with foam do

How Much Does Expanding Foam Cost?

The average cost of expanding foam depends on what sort of slab you need lifted. Sidewalks usually start around $800. Driveways, patios, and interior slabs start at around $1,500. Call a concrete leveling expert to get the best price estimate.

Can You DIY Concrete Leveling?

Experts do not recommend DIY concrete leveling. The process involves very special equipment, and unless you have access to polyurethane or injection pumps, it’s going to be very difficult to achieve the same level of work as a professional. The tools and machinery needed are not available in your everyday store. Most foundation repair experts also provide concrete leveling, such as The Real Seal.

How Not To Level Concrete

Some homeowners think they can “even out” an uneven concrete slab by pouring new concrete on top of it. This is a very temporary solution. If your concrete slab sunk because of settlement or soil erosion, that added weight can cause your slab to sink into the ground even faster.
You may also be tempted to remove the slab and pour a new one instead. This is another temporary solution. The real reason your concrete slab is sinking is due to poor settlement, poor compaction, or tree roots. You need to stabilize and strengthen the ground underneath your slab. The only way to do that is by filling the voids beneath the slab with a strong expanding foam.
close up of sunken sidewalk

Who Offers Expanding Foam For Concrete Leveling Near Me?

If you have a concrete slab that needs lifting and want the most advanced solution, call The Real Seal. Since 2011, we’ve been lifting and leveling thousands of concrete patios, driveways, sidewalks, and interior slabs across the greater Chicagoland area. We’ll come out and inspect your concrete, find out the root of the problem, and give you the best repair options. We also provide foundation repair, basement waterproofing, and more.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

10 Responses

    1. Hi Uriel! It depends on how far away they are. Give us a shout and we can take a look. Otherwise, we know good companies in different areas of the country we would be happy to recommend!

    1. Hi Pat!

      Unfortunately we do not have someone in the St. Louis area we know. I would suggest going on Yelp, Angie’s List, BBB, and Google and comparing reviews. The company that can maintain a good standing on ALL platforms is a good choice.

    1. Hi Doug!

      Unfortunately we do not know anyone in that area. Best bet is to compare reviews (read the reviews not just the rating) across Angie’s List, Yelp, BBB, and Google.

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