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6 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Sump Pump

Austin Werner
Signs That It's Time to Replace Your Sump Pump
Signs That It's Time to Replace Your Sump Pump

Undoubtedly, sump pumps are effective basement waterproofing systems that prevent water damage in homes. To ensure it works perfectly, you need to make sure you purchase the right size and type of pump for your living space. This starts with knowing the sump pump unit basics. According to Improve Net, “submersible pumps come in sizes up to ½ horsepower with a pumping capacity of 60 gallons per minute.”

However, like other home systems, even if the sump pump once successfully worked for your home, there will come a time when it won’t operate like before. We emphasize six signs that it’s time to replace your sump pump.

The Motor Isn’t Properly Working

If any part of the motor starts malfunctioning, you’re at high risk for flooding. Should your pump’s motor become stuck, or fail entirely, you’ll need to replace either the motor or the entire unit. This all depends on the severity of the issue.

It Runs Constantly

If your sump pump always runs, even when it’s sunny outside, it’s likely that you need to replace it. This means it’s unable to handle the water flowing into the unit. There are many reasons why your pump could be running too much:

  • It may be a switch problem
  • It might have a broken or missing valve
  • You may have bought the wrong-sized sump pump
  • Continuous rainfall is putting your sump pump into overdrive

In this case, have a professional check it right away. The longer the issue continues, the worse it’ll get—you don’t want your sump pump to burn out.

The Sump Pump Is Old

Typically, sump pumps last, on average, five to seven years; however, it is possible for certain units to last a few decades. In fact, some pedestal pumps can run for up to 30 years! Regardless, it’s important to keep tabs on your sump pump’s performance, especially if it’s older, as you may have to consider replacing it.

Unusual Vibrations

When your sump pump sucks up debris, its impellers bend, causing the unit to vibrate more than it should. If you let it continue to vibrate, your sump pump could be in for future problems. Although you can re-bend the impellers, you don’t want to do more harm than good. In this case, it’s best to replace your sump pump.

You’re Having Issues Turning It On and Off

Does your sump pump continually cycle on and off? Perhaps its basin is too small for the water coming into your basement. If you suspect that you’re having power or float switch issues with your sump pump, don’t attempt to fix them on your own. It’s safer to have your local experts either remedy these problems or replace your sump pump entirely.

You Hear Weird Noises

Of course, sump pumps will normally make low humming sounds while they operate; however if you hear any irregularities, such as grinding, rattling, or squealing, this could mean it’s having problems. These noises can mean that there are failing parts in your sump pump—and when parts fail, your basement will flood sooner than you think.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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