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A Simple Guide To Getting Quotes from Basement Waterproofing Contractors

Austin Werner
A Simple Guide To Getting Quotes from Basement Waterproofing Contractors
A Simple Guide To Getting Quotes from Basement Waterproofing Contractors

So, you have a wet basement. While you may be at your wit’s end, it is crucial that you figure out your next step. Usually, this will require some combination of foundation repairs and home waterproofing to nip the problem in the bud for good.

To make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible, here’s what to expect:

Step one: Expect a professional to come and inspect your home before giving you a quote.
Not only is it hard to explain what exactly is wrong with your basement over the phone, a professional will be able to notice problems that you may not have noticed. The basement waterproofing contractor will be able to identify the problem, discover where the water is coming from, and recommend waterproofing solutions perfect for your exact situation.
Step two: Expect the professional to go outside.
One of the most common culprits behind a leaky basement is landscaping! Generally, your plants should be placed a minimum of two feet from the foundation. They should also be low enough in the soil that when water is not directed toward the foundation during watering. If you’re really lucky, your landscaping may be the biggest problem, and once resolved, your basement will be dry again.
If not, then you probably require more intensive foundation sealing or water proofing.
Step three: Expect that no quote is exactly the same.
Has your neighbor or close friend recently had a leaky basement, and are you expecting to have the same solution as them? Since each home is different, so is the necessary home water proofing solution. Your contractor may recommend installing sump pumps, window wells, repairing pipe penetrations, or putting in a drain tile system.
Step four: Expect that your quote will be determined based off of a number of factors.
In addition to the root of the problem and the specific water proofing solutions you require, you can expect your quote to be based off of a few other factors:
  • The age of your home
  • If the wetness is reoccurring or if this is the first incident.
  • How long you have owned the home.
  • How your home stands up to heavy downpours and thick snow.

Ultimately, you should try and find a home waterproofing company that will be happy to answer any additional questions you have. While a leaky basement might not seem like a major issue right now, it’s often a sign of much more serious damage to come.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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