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Is There A Crack In Your Basement Wall Leaking Water?

Austin Werner
Is There A Crack In Your Basement Wall Leaking Water
Is There A Crack In Your Basement Wall Leaking Water
If there’s a crack in your basement wall leaking water, you’re in the right place. This article will tell you everything you need to know about basement wall cracks, including how experts fix these cracks, why your crack is leaking water, and how to prevent cracks from forming in the future.

How To Fix A Crack In Your Basement Wall Leaking Water

If you have a crack in your basement wall leaking water, you need to call in a professional foundation crack repair company. Otherwise, those cracks can grow larger and continue to leak water into your basement. This can lead to increased humidity, mold growth, water damage, and more. Here’s how experts do it.
  • Epoxy crack injection – Experts can fix cracks using epoxy injections that seal, waterproof, and reinforce your basement walls. First, a surface patch is created using an epoxy bonding solution. Then, the 2-part special epoxy is pumped into the cracks until it fills the voids.
  • Carbon fiber staples – First, slots are grinded into your basement wall along the crack. Then the high-strength carbon fiber staples are inserted into the cracks and fused into the concrete using an epoxy. These staples will prevent the cracks from growing larger.
  • Exterior crack repair – If you have a finished basement and you don’t want any drywall removed, experts can fix leaking cracks from the outside. First, they dig outside your foundation and clean the area around the crack. Next, they apply hydraulic cement along and inside the crack. After that, an elastomeric waterproofing tar is applied all across the crack. Lastly, they apply a vapor barrier or an insulation board to protect the tar as they return the dirt.
wall crack

Why Are Cracks Forming On Your Basement Wall?

There are two types of cracks that might form on your basement wall: structural and non-structural. Structural cracks are more serious and are usually caused by differential settlement. That’s when sections of your home settle at different rates.
Non-structural cracks are less serious but can still allow water to seep through your walls. Non-structural cracks, also called waterproofing cracks, can form over time due to natural aging, or they can form when your concrete walls dry too quickly after they are poured.
Experts recommend sealing both cracks in order to stop water seepage. Structural cracks might require more work to solve the root of the problem. For example, your home might be settling into the soil beneath it and may require underpinning. If outside pressure is pushing against your basement walls, experts might install wall plate anchors or carbon fiber straps to pull your wall back outward and stabilize any further movement. Once these issues are addressed, experts can move on to filling in the cracks.
crack near window

Why Is Your Crack Is Leaking Water?

Your basement wall crack is most likely leaking water because there is moisture built up in the soil outside your foundation. This is called hydrostatic pressure. Water can weigh around 60 pounds per cubic foot, and if it begins to accumulate outside your foundation walls, it’s going to try and find a way into your basement.

Water builds up in your soil mainly because you might not have a proper drainage system in place. Heavy rains and poorly placed gutter downspouts can lead to water draining toward your foundation when it’s supposed to be draining away from your home. A proper drainage system consists of a drain tile, vapor barrier, and sump pump.
crack leaking water

How To Prevent Cracks From Forming On Your Basement Walls

The best way to prevent cracks from forming on your basement walls is by limiting how much water saturates the soil outside your foundation. You can do this by:

  • Installing a French drain – A french drain is a perforated pipe that’s placed underneath your yard. This will collect water in areas of your yard prone to pooling and direct the moisture to a lower part of your property away from your home.
  • Installing gutter extensions – If your gutters are dropping water close to your home, it can saturate the soil outside your basement walls. Experts recommend extending your gutter downspouts by at least 20 feet away from your home.
  • Grading your yard – Experts recommend grading your yard away from your home. The ideal slope is one inch for every foot. You make minor adjustments to your grading using a shovel and wheel barrel, but for larger projects, we recommend calling a professional.

Who Can Fix Cracks In Your Basement Wall Leaking Water?

If you live in the Greater Chicago area, call The Real Seal for all of your crack repair needs. We’ll get you started with an in-depth inspection, free repair estimate, and a list of our finest solutions. We also provide foundation waterproofing, crawl space repair, crawl space waterproofing, concrete leveling, and more.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

6 Responses

  1. Thank you for mentioning exterior crack repair. I want to also have my home waterproofed after a big storm this week. I will find a good waterproofing service in the area.

    1. Happy to help! What area are you in? We know a lot of waterproofers around the country and could possibly point you in the right direction.

    1. Hello! Yes, that can happen in most basements. If you’re looking for a quote, give us a call! 847-756-7987

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