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How Your Basement Impacts Home Air Quality

Austin Werner
How Your Basement Impacts Home Air Quality
How Your Basement Impacts Home Air Quality

Believe it or not, your basement’s air quality directly affects the rest of your home. Prioritize it today by understanding how and why it’s important.

Did you know the air quality of your basement directly affects the air quality of your entire home? Many basements and crawl spaces have humidity issues, and they’re also the most susceptible areas of the house to allergens, irritants, mold, and dust mites. It doesn’t matter if your basement is finished or not; the air quality of the space can still affect your home. For a deeper look at how your basement impacts home air quality, continue reading below.

What Causes Air Quality Issues?

The air quality in the basement could be poor for numerous reasons. Basements are more likely to have air quality problems than other areas of the house; they fight not only humidity problems but also water issues such as leaks and floods. These problems aren’t good for overall air quality because they directly correlate to allergens and other negative factors such as mold. All these elements directly cause poor air quality throughout the home.

The air from the basement also moves upward, whether it’s through the ventilation system or simply through the normal movement of air throughout the house. This is exactly why the air quality of the basement negatively affects the air quality of your entire home.
Learn more about – How To Control Moisture and Humidity in Your Basement?

How To Check The Air Quality In Your Home

Here are a few ways you can check the air quality in your home.

  • Purchase an indoor air quality monitor – An indoor air quality monitor or IAQ is a device that tests for particulate matter (pollen and dust), chemical pollutants, humidity, temperature, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and formaldehyde levels.
  • Call a professional to test your home for mold – At-home mold test kits are cheap and unreliable. Call a professional if you think you have mold in your home.
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms – Anything that burns gas creates CO, including woodburning and gas fireplaces. CO alarms are just a few dollars and can save your life.
  • Conduct a radon test – Radon, like carbon monoxide, is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and is completely undetectable without a purpose-built detective device. Short-term radon test kits can be bought online or at any home improvement store. Long-term tests can be bought as well, remaining in your home from 90 days to a whole year.

How To Get Rid Of Mold In Your Basement

You can use at-home remedies like vinegar, tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract to remove mold. Or you can use stronger cleaning solutions like hydrogen peroxide, borax, bleach, concrobium, or a high-efficiency particle absolute vacuum machine. However, it’s better to call a mold removal professional. They can help find the source of the mold and eliminate it for good. But why is the mold in your basement in the first place? Could it be from a leak or water seepage? Call The Real Seal to repair any leaks and stop water from entering your basement.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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