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Does Your Home Have a Wet Basement? Here’s How To Tell and What To Do

Austin Werner
Does Your Home Have a Wet Basement_ Here’s How To Tell and What To Do
Does Your Home Have a Wet Basement_ Here’s How To Tell and What To Do

The number one disaster in the United States, according to the National Flood Insurance Program, is flooding which averages more than $3 Billion every year in claims alone. However, flooding isn’t always what it’s like on the news and you can often end up with a house or buy a house that has a wet basement.

What causes a wet basement?

A wet basement isn’t always caused by area floodings such as an overflowing lake in the event of a hurricane or rainstorm. Often times, a wet basement is simply caused by water in the surrounding soil of your house’s foundation. Ground water follows the path of least resistance and with soil placing pressure on the walls of your basement, it can manage to find its way into your home over the years. Another possible cause of a wet basement is that there may be a clog in your drain. Poor installation or a buildup of leaves and debris can make it so water is unable to leave your drains, which causes it to accumulate and add pressure on your basement walls.

What are the signs of potential flooding?

Because flooding isn’t always as obvious as walking down the basement stairs into several feet of water it can be difficult to identify right away if you’re not paying close attention.
Some common signs of a wet basement include the presence of mold, a damp or musty odor, cracks in the walls or floor, bowing walls, water marks on the walls, and efflorescence (mineral deposits that leak from cracks in the walls and floors where water has made its way inside).

How do you take care of a wet basement?

Hiring a professional is always a good idea, but especially in the case of taking care of a wet basement. A basement waterproofing company such as The Real Seal can improve your basement’s quality by repairing foundation cracks and fixing basement leaks which may be bringing water into your home and causing your wet basement. Tending to the damage in your basement is essential to ensuring the extended life of your home. After your basement has been fixed, be sure to routinely monitor the state of your basement and repair basement leaks when you see them to prevent further damage.

Dust mites

Dust mites are tiny bugs that grow and spread at rapid rates in a household. No matter how clean your house is, they’ll still inhabit it. They love high humidity environments, so you’ll need to use a reliable dehumidifier to dehydrate the dust mites. The humidity levels in your basement should never be above 60 percent. Dust mites may seem harmless, but they’re notorious for irritating asthma and allergy sufferers.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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