Concrete leveling in Calumet City is a process that involves lifting and leveling the concrete slabs, patio, sidewalks, and driveways by using polyjacking. Expanding polyurethane foam is used in this process. It’s a non-toxic method, quick and stronger than other concrete leveling solutions like mudjacking.

Why Does Concrete Settle?

Some of the reasons why concrete settles are poor drainage, low-quality compaction, bad site conditions, and tree roots. The most common reason is when water from gutters or rain washes away dirt from under concrete surfaces like sidewalks or driveways. This creates voids or pockets beneath the concrete causing it to settle.

Another reason is clay-rich soil. The soil expands and contracts according to its moisture level. It expands when it’s saturated with water. Then when the soil dries, it shrinks. This makes the soil unstable, causing your concrete to move and sink.

Why Does Concrete Settle

Concrete Leveling Using Polyjacking

The soil underneath the concrete should be strong. Otherwise, it can’t support the weight of the concrete. If weak soil is the problem, replacing the concrete slab won’t fix anything. The polyjacking process is a suitable solution for such an issue.

Benefits of Polyjacking​

Quick action

15 minutes after injection, your concrete slab will be ready to use. You can walk on it. It can also support vehicular traffic.

Minimal invasion

The polyjacking process doesn’t need any excavation. So you don’t have to deal with any mess around your concrete.


Polyurethane foam is lightweight and doesn’t contribute to future soil settlement, unlike the heavy ingredients used in solutions like mudjacking.


The polyurethane foam used in polyjacking, neither reacts with soil or moisture, nor adds harmful chemicals to the ground.


The polyjacking process costs around 50% less than the total cost of traditional concrete slab replacement methods.


Once the process is done, the polyurethane foam doesn’t wash away.

Types of Concrete Leveling​



Pool decks​



Concrete Steps​


Garage floors​

What Is The Process Of Polyjacking Concrete Leveling?

The process involves some important  steps:  

Concrete Leveling

Step 1

Dime-sized holes are drilled into the sunken concrete areas.

Concrete Leveling

Step 2

Polyurethane foam is injected through the holes beneath the concrete.

Concrete Leveling

Step 3

The foam underneath the concrete expands, lifting the slab.

The polyurethane foam we use in polyjacking is nonorganic and doesn’t erode or decompose over time. So, the polyjacking process is a long-lasting and useful solution for sinking concrete.

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